Meet Team VOOR: Jaana Barz

We’re all passionate about sports. That’s why we created a platform designed to simplify the lives of athletes, coaches, and club managers. Your sport, our sport. Our team is here for your team! Meet Jaana!

Who are you and what exactly do you do at VOOR? 

My name is Jaana and I've been working in communications at VOOR for a good two months now. I previously worked for a regional football club. As a big football fan and still an active volunteer, I have a passionate connection to the sport. That's why I'm particularly happy to continue working in the industry. Sport brings people together, not just on the pitch, but also off it, behind it and in all other areas.

Just like in a team, pretty much everything in the job stands and falls with communication in all areas. My job is to develop strategies so that we not only have common goals but can also express them with one voice. And, of course, we also want to communicate to users what our platform can do and what features are still planned.

What has your career been like so far? 

I studied humanities and completed further training in event management. Communication is the common thread running through my professional career.

As an all-rounder, I have always found my way around quickly in all positions. I am happy when I can help a company with its strategic development and the common path with fans and customers. I particularly like the sports industry because a highly emotional working environment also requires passion, creativity and, in the best case, a good dose of loyalty. Sport is not just high gloss and Champions League. Sport is also the cinder pitch around the corner and sweat on your brow - there are plenty of stories to tell.

VOOR has clearly defined goals and values and exemplifies these among colleagues in a way that I have never experienced before. Knowing where the common path is leading and being able to participate directly in the development of the company are further points that spoke in favor of VOOR for me.

What would you like to achieve with VOOR? 

I would like as many clubs as possible to get to know and appreciate the advantages of the platform. Whether small, medium-sized or large associations - there are tailor-made offers for everyone. The free tool means one less hurdle to overcome when purchasing an administration platform. I know from my own experience that I need dozens of messenger groups, an app to record attendance, a calendar and lots of contact persons just for team management. Here I can have everything at once. And VOOR is international: my dream is not only to manage digitally, but also to bring athletes together with the help of events and tournaments. Across national borders and language barriers.

In this way, we not only promote VOOR, but also make our small contribution to international understanding.

How can we help clubs? 

“The important thing is on the pitch”, as the saying goes. And so that the focus can also be on the game, we offer a great tool to simplify work off the pitch. The buzzword “digitalization” is a big one. But where should you actually start? VOOR can help clubs take the next step and streamline processes and structures.

Which sport does your heart beat for and are you active? 

Football is my great love. I no longer play myself - you know, my knees prevented me from having a bigger career... But I am team leader of the women's team at BSG Chemie Leipzig. Not only have I made a lot of very good friends, but I can also stay close to football and give my (of course always qualified) opinion from the sidelines...

Are you a fan too? 

I've been a fan of Eintracht Frankfurt since my mother took me to the stadium as a child. And when I moved to Leipzig, the intense fan friendship between both clubs meant that I was destined to join Chemie. I also keep my fingers crossed for AC Oulu.

Which sport have you never tried, but would you like to? 

First of all, I should do sport again, it's fallen asleep a bit recently... But I would like to try the following: biathlon, orienteering and wrestling. Maybe boxing too. You're probably never too old for new experiences...

What impact do you think sport can have on society? 

I think the social significance of sport is often underestimated. On the pitch or in the audience, a cross-section of the population comes together to pursue the same goal. That only works together.

Clubs are also an enormously important part of the democratic education of children and young people. Not only do they make exercise an integral part of everyday life, they also learn how to get involved in a community. In the long term with egos and unnecessary sensitivities, it simply is not as much fun... 

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