New player dashboard online

The new player dashboard on proSports.Zone has also been online since the last version update! Our aim is to provide coaches and sports management with a deeper, more objective and holistic assessment of players with the digital player file and the 360° view of the players.

The player dashboard provides important key figures

The dashboard is the "homepage" of the digital player file. And this is where we want to make the important key figures and data available in a clear and easy-to-understand way. The data from training sessions and matches serve as the basis. We prepare this data in a clear and understandable way.

All of the player's statistics are compared with those of the team(s) in which he is active. This allows you to see immediately whether his training performance or match performance is above the team average, average or even worse than the team average. In short: you can see whether the player is more likely to be a top performer or not.

Training statistics at a glance

A quick look at training attendance and performance Does the player often miss training? If so, what are the reasons for this?

With proSports.Zone you can assess all participating players in 4 criteria after each training session. We evaluate this data across all training sessions of the season and calculate the player's performance rating. Both in the overall average and in all individual points. And, of course, all the data is also compared with the team's average ratings. Find your performers!

Player performances in competitive and friendly matches

The current performance data from games can now also be viewed quickly on the player dashboard. Whether it's the player's total playing time this season, his scoring points or the average rating of the individual sub-areas: All data is immediately available, easy to understand and an aid for planning the next games, training sessions (including individual training) and also for discussions with the player or the player's parents.

Load from training and games for load control

In order to minimize the risk of injury and ensure optimum performance for important matches, it is important to keep an eye on the workload of each player. Here too, data is better than gut feeling! All training sessions can be marked with an intensity value in proSports. Our system then calculates the load per day and shows you as a coach in diagrams and curves how high the players' load has been in recent weeks. This allows you to fine-tune the training sessions and their workload, incorporate regeneration or take breaks if necessary. Load control is an important building block for long-term peak performance!

The player dashboard - the quick overview

The player dashboard offers you as a coach or sporting director a quick overview and is the entry point to the digital player file on proSports.Zone. In this digital player file, all data and information about each player over their entire career comes together, from the children's and youth teams to the active players.

This makes your training work easier, because all the data, whether it's the parents' contact details or the player's training and performance data: you always have everything to hand on your cell phone or tablet and can train each player more specifically according to their abilities and development needs. For even better players! proSports.Zone!

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