How Long Does a Football Match Last?

Sepp Herberger’s famous quote, “The ball is round, and the game lasts 90 minutes,” may be iconic, but it’s not entirely accurate. While a standard football match is indeed 90 minutes long, additional factors such as halftime, stoppage time, extra time, and youth regulations must also be considered.

Standard Match Duration: 105 Minutes

A regular football match consists of:
Two halves of 45 minutes each (90 minutes total).
A 15-minute halftime break for rest, tactical discussions, and potential substitutions.
Additional stoppage time, determined by the referee to compensate for substitutions, injuries, and video reviews (VAR).

Total match duration, including stoppage time: approximately 105 minutes.

This applies to both men's and women's football at the professional level.

Knockout Matches and Extra Time: Up to 141 Minutes

If a match ends in a draw during knockout tournaments (e.g., World Cup, Champions League, domestic cups), extra time is played.

Two extra halves of 15 minutes (30 minutes total).
A 5-minute break before extra time begins.
A 1-minute break between extra-time halves.
✔ If still tied, the match proceeds to a penalty shootout, further extending the total time.

Maximum potential duration (including extra time): 141 minutes + stoppage time.

Match Durations in Youth Football

Youth football matches follow age-specific regulations, with shorter halves and reduced extra time.

A-Junioren (U19/U18)

  • 2 x 45 minutes
  • Extra time: 2 x 15 minutes
  • Halftime: 15 minutes

B-Junioren (U17/U16)

  • 2 x 40 minutes
  • Extra time: 2 x 10 minutes
  • Halftime: 15 minutes

C-Junioren (U15/U14)

  • 2 x 35 minutes
  • Halftime: 15 minutes
  • Extra time: 2 x 5 minutes

D-Junioren (U13/U12)

  • 2 x 30 minutes
  • Halftime: 10 minutes
  • Extra time: 2 x 5 minutes

E-Junioren (U11/U10)

  • 2 x 25 minutes
  • Halftime: 5 minutes
  • Extra time: 2 x 5 minutes

For F- and G-Junioren (U9 and younger), modern FUNino-style game formats are common, often featuring 7 rounds of 7-minute games.

Blind Football and Adapted Match Durations

Blind football matches follow different formats depending on the level of competition and player needs:
2 x 25 minutes
10-minute halftime
Game time can be adjusted based on the players' physical conditions.

The World’s Longest Football Match: 168 Hours!

⚽ Did you know? The longest football match ever played lasted 168 hours (7 days!) and took place in Winterbach, Saarland, Germany, in January 2021. It was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records!

Conclusion: Football Matches Vary in Length

✔ A standard match lasts 90 minutes, but stoppage time extends it to about 105 minutes.
✔ In knockout games, extra time and penalties can push the total to over 140 minutes.
Youth football follows shorter match durations, varying by age group.
Adapted formats, such as blind football, have flexible rules.

While 90 minutes remains the classic reference, the actual playing time often depends on the competition, age group, and special conditions.

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